Curriculum Vitae

Download Current CV (updated January, 2022)

My current CV is a useful way to search for recent articles if you are not sure of the title.

When you DO have the title, you can download the article from either of two online resources:

I post all my papers – both new working papers and published papers – on my page on SSRN   The papers are listed there by number of downloads – most downloaded at the top.  So to find the newest ones  – and also the unloved ones 🙂 – scroll to the bottom of the page.

Most of my papers – except maybe the very newest ones – can also be found on my page on GOOGLE SCHOLAR

I have been working very hard to make all my published papers Open Access.  Where I have succeeded,  you will be able to download the as-published version for free.  Where  I have not (yet) succeeded, only the working paper version will be available for free downloading.